Savage Sorcery is an In-House, print publisher with a large stable of authors that equip you with original, thought-provoking content that takes your RPG experience from "good" to "effing awesome.":
Some of the products we provide;
*Fantasy RPG Material: supplements, GM aids, adventures. Books that make gaming fun.
*Indie Games: stand-alone games.
*Video Game Content Contributor. Great stories make great video games!
*New Game: We are developing a new RPG system & other games as well!
We print in-house. Our primary mission is to equip you with original, thought-provoking content that takes your RPG experience from "good" to "effing awesome."
In addition to our original content, we also print books in collaboration with other publishers and developers.
Savage Sorcery is a subsidiary of Black Shamrock Publishing, LLC.
Savage Sorcery came about as the result of a need to publish & distribute thought provoking, inspiring, original material to the role-playing world.
Setting up a company is not something that can be done in a weekend, as such, Savage Sorcery is the culmination of years of work and projects all conveniently placed under one roof. It's still a "small business" that will forever be changing its "model" and goals as needed to continue to grow in an ever evolving industry. Ultimately it was decided that Savage Sorcery would become a subsidiary of Black Shamrock Publishing, LLC. Instead of a "Stand Alone" business. This will give Savage Sorcery a stable base from which to work without fear of failure.
© Copyright 2010 Savage Sorcery Inc.
Who Is Savage Sorcery?
Christopher "Dra8er" Hardy - Founder/CEO
Tim "Goblin" McCreedy - Co-Founder/Executive Chairman
Michael "Xombie" Lakes - Chairman/CBDO
Chris "Cr3ative" Chapman- Chairman/CAO
Andy "NeuroFizz" Weir - CTO
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