Just a quick blurb about me. I’m old & I’ve been DM’ing for a very long time. I started with the old boxed set. I even owned a copy of Chainmail & used it so much I wore it out! I am an avid game player, video, table top, & TCG.
I’ve tried most RPG games & by tried I don’t necessarily mean played for many though it was simply a read through of the manual(s) and then some basic screwing around with it to see if I could work it into my game somehow!
I’m also involved heavily in video games, dating back to the early 90's. A big PC gamer initially, I now enjoy any platform that has fun titles, I'm console agnostic! I even played pro if you will. What do I mean by "pro"? Well it means I played competitively online for years and have a few titles/wins under my belt, but that's behind me now, my son has taken up the reigns...
I'm happily married with two good kids, cat, dog (whom are best friends, lol), and a painted turtle.
I'm a "semi-retired" consultant that worked with the game industry for years in R&D, and product story development. This encompasses both video games, table top games, board & card games. Fun stuff for years. But when I eventually came to the realization that it wasn't fun anymore I walked away, for the most part. I still freelance a bit on worthwhile projects. Do some ghostwriting for friends, and have taken up a new "hobby" endeavor, self publishing role playing material, accessories, and literature.
I was a Paragon Level DM in the RPGA until the release of 4e. I'm a fair hand with gaming in general, DM’ing/GM’ing, anything computer related, cooking (I actually went to Culinary School for a short time), drawing, and the list goes on...
So whats this BLOG to be about? Well whatever is current in my life, but mainly related to gaming and my new business adventure.
Posted by: Dra8er
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Comment By:
Tom Allman
April 17, 2010 at 10:31 AM
Considered yourself followed. BTW, do you have anyone that casts your sculpts?
Comment By:
April 17, 2010 at 11:06 AM
I do, or I try. I cast in lead though when I make a run. I simply paint the Green Stuff if I'm not going to cast it. (Kneadatite Epoxy Modeling Putty (Green Stuff))
I have been wanting to try my hand at Poly Resin Casting. Was told its fairly simple. A good friend gets great results using clear urethane.
I probably should update this huh? So busy I forgot all about it.